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Cut&paste working in kmscon

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The necessary chore – libtsm Reading through the sources of libtsm was the only way to learn about it. There is just no documentation. Only wlterm is stated as an example of how to use the API. But the exact details of how to use libtsm‘s calls for selection and text-copy features are not obvious *sigh* I never enjoy these types of tasks! It is one thing, when doing these chores during paid work. But when working on code for fun, during your spare-time, such obstacles are a total motivation…read more


Teaching kmscon output-rotation à la xrandr

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Focus is paramount Because of my slightly uncommon monitor-setup (two 24″ LCDs locked in portrait orientation side by side) using the VTs under Linux is very cumbersome. That has got to be a developer quirk. But because of that, I like to work on VTs exclusively from time to time… this helps with focus. I even turn off Xorg and/or wayland-based environments. So what can I use to solve this issue with wrongly orientated text-output? xrandr obviously does not work in such a situation? There is an interesting – sadly…read more