digital home of MacSlow

Talk about kmscon at FOSDEM 2024

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This upcoming Sunday, 4th of February 2024, I will be talking about my patches to kmscon at FOSDEM 2024. The slot for the talk is allocated in the graphics dev-room between 15:05 – 15:30. Here is the direct link to it: “Scratching an itch… by patching kmscon” or “How OpenGL can lead to systems-programming”. If you attend FOSDEM 2024 this weekend and are curious about all the shenanigans I did (or plan to do) to kmscon, be sure to stick around the graphics dev-room.


How to compile kmscon (and libtsm) from source

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Due to popular demand by an insane amount of people – one person on the entire planet – I provide here a brief step-by-step guide for grabbing, unpacking, compiling and installing kmscon using some of my patches/branches. This is not for the meant for beginners and people new or unfamiliar with the command-line and the typical software-development tool-chain under Linux. While I wish everybody to be able use the software they desire, I cannot write a full-blown and bullet-proof guide for beginners. This is a ton of work to get…read more